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During the years I tried to get help from psychiatric professionals for severe trama and child photography abuse in state of art hospitals the stays were tramatic. Ex: I had a ‘feeling’, once which should have been applauded as i was so numb. I threw a cup. My punishment was to be forced to put a gown on, be quarantined to center of the main room in a bed for several days. Other times going to a hospital on medications that worked to have the unit psychiatrist take me off and put me on his meds after seeing me for an hour. Very difficult. Other times forcing meds on me and if caught not swallowing punishment was additional days in hospital. Most did not treat the trumas. Most denied my personal self knowledge of needs. I have PTSD, mood disorders, dissociation. I was never totally out of it, I desperately wanted help. Now i avoid all medical of all types. I have no trust or faith that there is reliable help in the traditional field. I have alternative professionals helping now. I have many tools to help myself daily.