Behind the campaign

In My World is a Witness Change project. Witness Change uses visual storytelling to support excluded people as they reclaim their narratives and improve their lives. Learn more about Witness Change.
About the project
In My World is designed to expose the challenges faced by people living with mental health, psychosocial and intellectual disabilities. We aim to provide opportunities to people with these conditions the chance to be seen, heard and valued.
Mental health issues will affect one in four of us in our lifetime. Yet mental health is not a global priority in action, funding or policy.
Witness Change believes that adequate mental health care must be both a moral imperative and a fundamental human right.
Beyond medical interventions, there is a need for all of us to see mental health differently – to acknowledge that while mental illness and psychosocial disability and intellectual disability can cause enormous challenges, those living with these conditions need acceptance and support.
Two of the issues standing in the way of tackling mental health challenges and greater acceptance are:
1: Stigma. We must address discrimination because it prevents people from seeking the help they need and receiving support in their communities, and it stops mental health from being a global health policy priority.
2: Action. Members of the global community must act on their commitments. Mental health needs to be a global development priority, as outlined by the World Health Organisation, and member states must be compelled to deliver on the Mental Health Action Plan.
In My World is a visual storytelling campaign. It is designed to highlight the challenges people with mental health issues psychosocial disability and intellectual disability face. It also exists to encourage greater openness and conversation about what it means to have mental wellbeing and to live with a psychosocial disability or intellectual disability.
This site features the images of award winning photographer Robin Hammond and stories from those with lived experience of mental illness and psychosocial disability and intellectual disability.
We invite you to join our campaign. Share the stories of people whose voices are not normally heard; or share your story of mental health and one day in your world.
Thank you to all the volunteers at Witness Change who contributed to create this campaign.
Robin Hammond
Photos, Video and concepts
Shannon Sanders
Video editor and multimedia project manager
Hello Monday
Andreas Hall
Music Design