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Kamilah Haywood

It has been a long road on my journey of mental well-being with lived experience as a Black individual. I have had many barriers that I have and continue to conquer. Being Black with mental health was a forbidden discussion growing up as a kid with a lot of stigma that continues to surround us each day. Generations of trauma, mental health, addiction, poverty and incarceration have continued to oppress Black people to date. I am one of those people. Seeking professional help on my path of recovery, I have been able to navigate a life that is sustainable to me. I found love in creativity and used my art and experience to share my story while also using my work to share experiences that are personal while bringing awareness to social issues. I had to find my voice and in finding my voice, I shared safe spaces with others where finding our voice was welcomed to share our experiences. It has been a very therapeutic journey and I am grateful to share spaces like this with others that relate to or can learn from my story. Kamilah ‘K WooDZ’ Haywood