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I’ve been living with bipolar 2 for 30 years. Went through a list of Dr.s, meds , in and out of hospitals, tried to commit suicide 6 times ,  therapy, burnt so many bridges with my relationships because of my bipolar. I also received ECT treatments for 4 years. I’m alive because of it but struggle with memory loss and confusion. That’s where I am today. A little lost but alive. I have a family of my own now with a lot of love and support. My son suffers from depression and suicidal thoughts. He tried it once and I found him before he harmed himself. I’m here for him. Because of my mental illness I can see the warning signs and hopefully help guide him.

I’m still learning how to manage my mental illness at the age of 51 and still alive!🙏 thank you for the opportunity to tell my story.